The Future

Hello you lovely lot!

My intention today was to do a 'day in the life' post as I had a really fun day with some of the Creative Writing gang. However, I've decided to save that for another day when I remember to take more photographs, so keep an eye out for that. Instead, I have decided to talk about a topic that is bound to send shivers down any college/university students spine: the future!

I have always known exactly what path I wanted to take and what step I would take next; from secondary school to sixth form to university to.....? I don't know where to go from here! I have never stopped to really think about what I would do after education, when I'm out on my own in the big wide world. I think I've become so comfortable in the security blanket of the education system that I forgot that one day I'm not going to have teachers to tell me what to do, or a loan to sort out my money worries, or my bedroom at home to hide away from the real world. I'm going to have to become a real adult, but I'm not sure how to do that. 

I'm also terrified about finishing education and having to get a job that pays a substantial amount so that I can support myself financially! Is that even possible? I'm not even sure what job I want. I mean, I definitely want to be a writer, but I know that might not happen, so I just want to be as involved with writing as I can possibly be no matter what career path I take. The thing is, I don't know how to get on the career ladder, I've only ever applied for small part-time jobs that aren't exactly going to supply sufficient funds for me to get a flat and pay my own way. I'm just hoping that things will become clearer over the next 2 and a half years (3 and a half if I do a masters).

Sometimes, I wish I was the kind of impulsive person who could pack up and move to another country, find a job, and camp on someone's sofa for a month or so until I had enough money to get a place of my own. But, unfortunately, I tend to play things safe and do everything by the book. The problem with this is, my book seems to be missing the next few chapters! The only comfort I have managed to derive from this whole situation is that all of my friends and class mates seem to be feeling exactly the same way.

What I realised today is that it's okay to be scared of the future; it is a scary concept, but it's scary for everyone! No one knows where they're going to be 5 years down the line, all you can do is hope for the best. I know that I'm going to work as hard as I can and achieve the best grade I possibly can in an attempt to pave the path to the best future possible for myself. I can't even guess what life is going to throw at me, or where I'm going to end up, but that's okay, it's almost exciting! I decided today that all I can do is relax and let life run its course. There'll be ups and downs, life isn't simple by any means, but all I need to focus on is here and now and enjoy every second. I realised today that I am happy where I am, I love my course and my friends and my life in this city, so everything's good.

The future can seem really scary, but 2 years ago I wouldn't have thought that I'd be studying creative writing in a big city. You never know what's going to happen, but it will all be okay in the end!

"When it feels scary to jump, that's exactly when you jump. Otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life. And that I can't do."
- A Most Violent Year, J.C. Chandor

I wish you all a happy future no matter what path you choose!
Much love,




  1. I really like this post. It's so relatable and honest, it gives me a bit more reassurance! Did you look at a lot of creative writing courses specifically, knowing that's what you wanted to do or did you look at a wide range of courses and universities and then eventually decide on creative writing? xxx

    1. Thank you lovely! I definitely knew I wanted to do Creative Writing, but in my first year of college I didn't even know it was a degree, I thought I'd have to do English Lang/Lit. So I looked at a few different English courses, but then when I seriously started looking into Uni, I heard about someone who was doing a creative writing degree, so I looked into that and found a few Universities that offered it. I've always loved writing, so I definitely knew it was the course for me and I really love it! xxx


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