My Uni Bedroom

I feel like a bedroom is such a personal place. If you're like me, you'll spend a large portion of your time in your bedroom; reading, writing, blogging, watching YouTube videos, etc. so it's always nice to make the space your own. For me, the most exciting part of moving to university was being able to decorate my room. Last year I lived in halls, so my bedroom really was the only place that was completely mine and I spent most of my time hidden away in there, but I feel like I didn't really take the time to put my own stamp on that little room, I didn't make it my own. This year however, I'm living in a house with two good friends and not only have I been able to decorate my bedroom exactly to my taste, but I've had a say in how we've decorated the whole house. I really love it and I'm enjoying living here so much, it feels so much more homely than the halls and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of the year here.

I wanted to share a few pictures of my bedroom with you all because I'm in love with it, even more so that my room back home! It still needs a few finishing touches, but it's pretty much exactly how I want it.

I think pretty bedding is essential because you want your bed to look lovely and welcoming, ready for you to collapse into after a long day at uni. You can't tell on the picture but this duvet set actually has flowers and butterflies embroidered into it, it's so pretty! I'm going to buy more cushions eventually, I love having stupid amounts of cushions because it just makes the bed look so much more cosy.

I've got to admit, I am a little bit obsessed with fairy lights and when I saw these lanterns in Primark I couldn't resist! I think they look so cute and they definitely tie the whole room together. Fairy lights are a must-have, especially at this time of the year!

I wanted to keep my room very minimalist this year because I can't stand surfaces looking really cluttered, so I really love how my bedside table looks! The perfume is Britney Spears 'Fantasy' which I have been wearing since I was about 16, I love the bottle and wanted it on show rather than hidden away in a drawer. I bought the candle on a whim in Asda because I wanted one to burn until I get around to buying some nicer ones (I'm going to go all out with the festive candles this year). My notebook is from TK Maxx and is the most beautiful notebook I own, so beautiful that I can't actually bring myself to write in it, so I thought I'd just have it out purely for aesthetic purposes, sad, I know. 

I really love this wooden heart stand, it says 'follow your heart, live your dreams' and I really try to live by that; it's so easy to get pulled into the societal expectations to follow a solid career path and work hard so you can get a well-paid job and be financially stable, etc. but I'm studying creative writing, which isn't necessarily going to lead to a highly paid job, or even a stable job, but it's what I want to do and I honestly wouldn't be happy doing anything else.

Keeping the writer aesthetic strong, I have a small collection of Shakespeare plays because I'm studying Shakespearean drama this year as one of my modules and the books look too pretty to not have out on show. I also like to keep my diary and my 'day book' (the book I write in whenever I get randomly inspired through the day) out so that they are easily accessible since I write in them both quite regularly.

I've used these baskets just to keep everything organised, one is for the hair products I use regularly and the other is for skincare and make up brushes. I actually also have a drawer dedicated to each of these, but I like to keep my most commonly used products out so I can access them easily.

I found this mirror for £7.99 in Poundstretcher and I just had to have it, it's adorable! I love how it looks on my wall, I think that whole side of my room looks so pretty.

So that's my uni room, I'm really happy with it and I'm glad I have a space of my own to retreat to whenever I need a break from the world.
How have your made your bedroom your own?

Speak soon
lots of love



  1. I loved reading this as I love to see other people's rooms- I'm so nosy! It looks really lovely and cosy. I especially love the lantern fairylights which I saw myself the other day and almost bought but instead went for plain ones as they go better in my room but they do look so gorgeous!!! xxx

    1. Haha I'm exactly the same, I'm always so jealous when YouTubers do house tours and things because their houses always look completely gorgeous!! Thank you, I'm really happy with how I've got my room looking this year, it's definitely much cosier than my flat was last year, I was going to go for plain ones too, but I love the lanterns too much - I bought some with butterflies on for the living room and they are so pretty as well, I'm so obsessed with fairylights!! xxx


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