Love the Life you Live



Have you ever stopped to think about whether you are living your life as well as you possibly could? Maybe you're stuck in a job that isn't going anywhere and has nothing to do with the field that you're really interested in. Or maybe you're in a relationship that isn't making you as happy as it should be, but you're too scared to end it. Whatever it is that isn't helping you live your life to its full potential, get rid of it!

If you don't love your job, then look for a new one that you will love. Talk to people in that field, gain contacts, take up opportunities, take risks - you wont regret it! If you work hard and believe in yourself, you can achieve anything at all. You deserve a job that you look forward to every morning, it's likely to take up a large part of your life, so you might as well do something you enjoy!
Remember: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

If you're still in education, are you doing subjects that you love? Particularly if you're at sixth form, college, or university, are you passionate about the subject(s) you're studying? If not, then why are you studying them? Your parents wanted you to? Your teachers told you to? It will get you a good job, even if it's not the job you truly want? None of these reasons should even come into play when choosing what you want to dedicate your time to! You need to choose subjects that you love and are interested in and have a genuine passion for, otherwise it will be hell to spend so much time studying them.

If you're in a relationship that isn't making you happy, then you need to ask yourself why you are with that person! If you're going to make a commitment to somebody, then having them in your life should be a significant improvement to not having them in your life. They should give you butterflies every time they walk into the room, they should make you happy all the time, they should excite you and interest you and constantly surprise you with how much you can love that one person! If you have to even ask yourself if they are 'the one', then they're probably not. When you find them, you'll just know.

So get rid of anything and anyone toxic in your life - anything that doesn't make you 100% happy. You deserve happiness, you deserve love, and you deserve to life your life to its full potential, you do only get one after all!

Just some food for thought :)
Speak to you all soon!

Lots of love



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