Vision: Success!


As most of you will know, I have recently become an independent consultant for Arbonne (check out my website if you haven't already). It's been less than a month since I signed up, but I am already learning so much! One of the best thing about Arbonne is that everyone is so dedicated to helping each other do the best they can. The message that you can achieve anything you put your mind to is so strong within Arbonne and it is really lovely to be surrounded by such inspirational and motivational people.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I am hoping to achieve in life and where I see myself in the future. It's so daunting to think about where I might be in 5 or 10 years time, but focusing on an ultimate goal means that I can take one step at a time towards achieving that goal, which makes everything seem a little bit less scary.


If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? 
For me, I want to be a writer; to make a living solely from writing books would be my dream come true. But I want more than that, I want to change lives through my writing. I want to offer young children and teenagers companionship through my characters, I want to help them grow and develop their minds, and I want them to fall in love with my stories as I have with so many other authors. There is so much more to being a writer than just to write. Books can change the world.


I am the world's worst procrastinator. If I can put something off for another day, I will. My aim is to change this and become someone who is constantly motivated to achieve as much as possible every single day. I am going to start making a list of 10 things I need to do each day and make sure I do them all. The sense of accomplishment when you do everything you set out to do is so much better than going to bed worrying about everything you still haven't done.
"If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten."


We are all far too quick to think that we are going to fail. I am definitely guilty of this as an extreme pessimist who always expects the worst. I'm trying to train my mind into thinking positively because positivity is a key factor in achieving your goals; you really need to believe you can do it. So I am working on being able to say with confidence: "I will be a successful writer." When I believe this, I will achieve it.


Life is a journey and you don't know where you're going to end up. 
Figure out what you want more than anything and then stop at nothing to get it. You don't know what your life will look like in 10 years time, but you can make sure it's good!

Lots of love



  1. Really great post as always! Some really good, positive messages here! Thank you so much for all of the samples, I can't wait to try them and will no doubt be wanting to buy some after I've given them a try and when I have a bit more money! The packaging is so sweet and I love how small and cute the samples are. xxx

    1. Aw thank you Steph! No problem, I'm glad they got to you :) I hope you like them, and yeah let me know if you do want to order anything and I'll give you a discount :) xxx


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